
Need the perfect gift?

Simply add one of our preserved flowers (just a fancy way of saying they won't die).

First create your card, then choose a gift option (we will express post it for you for free).

All presents will appear in their card; or you can choose to keep it a surprise 🤫

Logo for Florette Preserves

Everlasting Floral Wreath Hoops - Large 25cms diameter. Beautiful to hang on your door or wall as decoration. 

Created with love and care with dried and preserved flowers - custom colours and made to order. 

These can last between 1-6 years depending on care. Each wreath will come with a box and floral care guide.

White Everlasting Floral Wreath Hoop - 23cm
White Everlasting Floral Wreath Hoop - 23cm
Pink Everlasting Floral Wreath Hoop - 23cm
Pink Everlasting Floral Wreath Hoop - 23cm
Country Everlasting Floral Wreath Hoop - 23cm
Country Everlasting Floral Wreath Hoop - 23cm

Not sure what to buy them?

Add a Virtual Mastercard (gift card) as you create your card and your lucky person can spend it whenever and on whatever they want!

Add a Virtual MasterCard to your Feel Good Ink Greeting Card
Note: gifts can only be sent to an Australian address.